January 18, 2010

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 10:14 PM

Good morning! So far we've only got ~4-5 inches of wet snow. I cleared it with the snowblower and am heading down to the Concord office. Today we're supposed to decide what office space we'll get when we move to Boxborough next month. 8:26am

Traffic flow-wise I had a decent commute into Concord. Saw a plethora of snow plows but made good time, probably because the streets are lighter due to the MLK holiday. I listened to "Dostoevsky in 90 Minutes" along the way. (related link) 10:34am

Had a smooth trip home thanks to light MLK Day traffic. 7:02pm

Back home from an Opus Dei Circle. Everyone is in bed. Good night all! 10:11pm

Bookmarks I made today:

#122 Moleskine Notebooks « Stuff White People Like
Comment: As someone who has been using Moleskine notebooks instead of "dayplanners", I got a chuckle out of this sarcasm. I make no claim of trying to be creative with my notebooks.
Excerpt: Thankfully, since white people only keep their most original and creative ideas in the Moleskine, many of them will only be required to purchase one per lifetime.

Snapshots I took today:
Thumbnail of Abby w/Snickers in a bucket 
