May 02, 2010

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:59 PM

Good morning. It's supposed to be almost 90°F today. Really?! Didn't Mt. Washington get a foot of snow just early last week? Ah well, time to get up and get the family to Mass. 5:59am

Back from a nice Mass & breakfast with the family. Just picked up Timothy from CCD. Sunny & 78°F outside. Time to break out some shorts. I think I need to work on the main floor wood stove now... 12:14am

I'm researching whether to drop 3G & texting from my plan. It would cut my bill almost in half and nearly everywhere I tend to go has WiFi, 'cept on the road. Heck, even owning a 3G iPad [cough cough] would be less per month. 6:37pm

I'm also thinking of reducing my Netflix account since so much of what I want to see can be streamed to my computer or Wii. 6:38pm

Lastly I'm considering dropping XM satellite radio. Between podcasting and audio books, it's not getting the usage to justify its fee. I still think my subscription is well worth the $$. 6:39pm

It's been a spring cleaning kind of day. This afternoon I helped Michelle clean the siding mold on the north side of the house. Like moss on a tree, it just keeps coming back. After dinner I cleaned out the primary wood stove for the season. Michelle is at a mommy's night out. I just put the boys down to bed. Time to relax with my girls. 8:03pm

Bookmarks I made today:

Zen Coding v0.5
Comment: I use template based code editors, but this has to be the fastest way to write HTML for web design that I know.
Excerpt: A new way of writing HTML code using CSS-like selector syntax. Read for more info.

See What Facebook Publicly Publishes About You
Comment: FYI.
Excerpt: With Facebook's new Open Graph API causing such a stir, many people are questioning what Facebook is publishing to the public. Developer Ka-Ping Yee has created a simple tool that shows you what everyone else can see.

Adobe to respond to Apple by giving employees Android phones with Flash
Comment: This p*ssing contest between Apple and Adobe is starting to get amusing...
Excerpt: Three sources familiar with Adobe's plans told CNet that Adobe plans to give its employees mobile phones powered by Google's Android mobile operating system, and running a new mobile version of Flash created for the platform. ...
