Good morning! Today is the last day of school & Michelle's last radiation treatment. After I drop Abby off, I'm headin' down to Boxborough.
Smooth drive down to Boxborough w/56mpg. Listened to more of Scott Hahn's "The Lambs Supper". I'm getting near the end. It's bagel day here at the office, so I'm enjoying a toasted everything bagel with some jalapeño cream cheese and a bottle of pomegranate pear juice to quench the fires. Since I took off yesterday, I have a huge backlog of email. - The Bad News About ObamaCare Keeps Piling Up (related link) "many millions will lose the coverage they have"
RT @Lifehacker: HTTPS Everywhere Encrypts Connections to Almost Any Site that Allows It (related link)
So glad we got the lawn done. This Father's Day weekend we can enjoy things like exercise, BBQ's, swimming, movies, prayer, reading, etc.
The airline @SouthwestAir -- my favorite way to fly from Manchester, NH back home to Chicago -- is 39 years old today.
Cute! "Glasses: the ultimate image changer" (related link) May have to show this to Claire later...
"A wedding ring on Dad’s finger is more than a symbol of his commitment to Mom. It also proves to be the ultimate anti-poverty weapon for their children. Now that’s something to celebrate and encourage this Father’s Day." (related link)
Drove over to Acton with an AMD/ATI friend for lunch. Compared to yesterday's sweatshirt weather, it is hot outside. 85°F
How (and Why) to Stop Multitasking (related link)
Late departure but a smooth drive home. Finished up Scott Hahn's "The Lamb's Supper" as I was entering Milford, NH. Wow! Like drinking from a fire hose. This weekend I'll have to think about my next book. Now enjoying the dinner Michelle grilled earlier on the wood smoker.
Another diploma received today: "Be it declared that Michelle Bilik has completed the prescribed course of radiation therapy with the highest degree of courage, determination, and good nature. We appreciate the confidence placed in us and the opportunity to serve you." -- Nashua Regional Cancer Center
Enjoyed this video (related link) from TopGear on the Noble M600 supercar.
Got the boys down to bed. Claire's at a sleepover and will go to Maine tomorrow. I set up Michelle & Abby on another episode of "Little Men" (related link) I'm going to study/pray a bit and call it a night. So thankful that today Michelle's radiation treatments are over and the kids are done with school.