Good morning! I'll be headin' down to the Boxborough office. Michelle has a radiologist followup. [Insert std. Friday the 13th joke here]
Ordered yet another Dr. Who book "Doctor Who: Companions And Allies" (related link) Soon I'll need therapy. Or a support group.
While the beta app has been fine for me, the Audible Android app is now at a release 1.0. (related link)
Tom Peters (aka @americanpapist ) does a great job in discussing "Love the sinner. Really." (related link)
You have to laugh at the vanity of Android phone naming: The Droid Incredible, Samsung Fascinate. The EVO was going to be "The Supersonic".
Smooth drive to The Office. Listened to "Bros. Karamazov" and caught up on news with my dad. Let the Visual Studio debugging commence...
Namedropping: My Qualcomm teammate & I met up w/ a few of our former AMD/ATI coworkers for some lunch. 'Tis gorgeous outside this afternoon.
Laughing! Journalism warning labels: (related link) Funny, but I still want a set.
Lately when I solve a bug I don't feel like saying "Doh!", I feel like figuratively putting a gun to my temple. The issues are that annoying
Just learned about Emacs indirect buffers, added ~version 21. (related link) Mental circuit breaker goes pop!
Super Mario Bros. Karamazov? "Apple files a patent to make eBooks out of videogame experiences" (related link)
Smooth drive home listening to more of "The Bros. Karamazov". Does the story ever develop a plot? Perhaps I'd better hit some Cliff notes...