September 07, 2010

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 10:46 PM

'Twas a bit of a hectic morning! Although the girls heard their alarm, they ignored it and overslept. And the boys didn't like the coffee cake because of the peanuts in it. Nevertheless they all got out to their buses on time and I head into Boxborough, listening to The Brothers Karamazov along the way. I'm only about 40% through this tome. 9:13am

All the HW guys I work with had a lunch conflict, so today I caught up with the driver guys. Discussions of 3D televisions and cameras. 12:53am

Had a sluggish drive home. I chose to take MA Rt 2 east towards Leominster (see map below) and that was a bad choice. On the bright side Claire had made another tasty dinner for her sibs and I enjoyed the leftovers. 7:22pm

After getting the boys to bed, cleaning dishes, and a last minute grocery run, I had a 9pm call with San Diego and Bangalore. Then I fought with my laptop trying to get it to Hibernate. Curse you Windows XP. Just let my work laptop go into some sort of power saving mode so that I can get some sleep without hearing those noisy cooling fans. 10:32pm

Snapshots I took today:
Thumbnail of MA Route 2 
