Good morning! Phew Claire and I just got back from Golds Gym. We took the muscle toning class followed by the Step class. Definitely feeling worn out.
After lunch felt in the mood to see Doctor Who: The Pandorica Opens again. Perhaps its because it was such a good episode and I recently got a new digital audio cable for my laptop. Hi-Def HDMI + 5.1 audio made it all the more dramatic.
I have to smirk just a bit. 1973's "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" is available in BluRay. BluRay? Really?
Had to show Michael, our major Kirby fan boy, the soon to be released Kirby, Epic Yarn for Nintendo Wii. Coming October 17th.
Took the family to Amigos Mexican Cantina for dinner. Michelle has been digging out all of the autumn/Halloween decorations this afternoon.
Some days when I struggle with CSS, it seems to feel like this mug. In theory CSS lets you do all these great things with web layout, but then some aspect of CSS or browser compatibility does stuff like that.
Reading Ode to Frank Sheed: A 'Secular' [Natural Law] Defense of Marriage