October 08, 2010

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 09:40 PM

Click to see the albumCreated an audio podcast RSS feed for the 5 most recent EWTN Homilies. 9:10am

Good morning! Dropped the girls off at school and had a smooth, sunny drive into Boxborough. Offered up a Sorrowful Mysteries and listened to more of "The Brothers Karamazov". 9:19am

Late departure from work but a smooth drive home. Listened to the day's readings and homily via EWTN and then listened to my audio book the rest of the way. I am finally at book 12 of 12 within this tome. The end is in sight! 7:11pm

After dinner Michelle made me a big mug o' tea. I enjoyed it while folding a big load of whites and watching Doctor Who: The Christmas Invasion. It's the pilot for season two/2006 with the first full episode for David Tennant. How ironic that tea saves The Doctor in that episode. Good night all! 9:32pm
