October 24, 2010

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 08:27 PM

See at NetflixGood morning! I was feeling in the mood for something campy so I watched an episode of "Hercules". In case you're interested, all the episodes from the early 90's are available and commercial free via Netflix streaming. Now it's time to stop dawdling and get the family ready for Mass. 7:49am

Back from Mass and breakfast with the family. We had a long (35 minutes) about the missions. I'm amazed at how well the boys behaved. Now filling out an endless survey / questionnaire about Michael. Hundreds of questions. I couldn't think of this many things to ask about him. 11:47am

After lunch got to take a nap. It's the little things. ☺ Now the boys are revisiting a game I bought them a while ago: Wario Land: Shake It!. After some discussion with Michelle I'm lowering our Netflix plan to their 1 DVD out at a time plan. 3:47pm

After dinner we watched "Father Goose" with the kids. Cary Grant, Leslie Caron. It's an ol' 1964 movie that Michelle and I loved that we thought the kids would enjoy. 6:45pm

I've been studying more about Org-mode today. It looks like it's easy to start but has a lot of options and deeper features. It reminds me of when I first learned how to use Emacs (back around 1990 or so). 6:47pm

Poor Timothy and Michelle. Timothy has had sniffles for the past couple of days. And now Michelle went from congested to losing her voice. It's too early for vaporizers!! Good night all. 8:27pm
