Good morning! Dropped Abby off at school. Swung over to Cafe on the Oval for a fast breakfast. Listened to book 9 of The Odyssey as I drove down to the office. I don't know whether Michelle is teaching today. She was looking for a sub because she has laryngitis. She feels fine, but would have difficulty in calling out the routine for her class.
Michelle's laryngitis reminds me of the pun in Top Secret: The Shetland pony pulling the wagon is coughing. Nick Rivers: "What's wrong with him?" Wagon Driver: "Oh, he caught a cold last week and he's just a little hoarse." [ie. horse vs hoarse]
Setup an area on my server to store org-mode files so that they can be shared between work, home, and my phone.
Had a smooth drive home, listening to more of The Odyssey. When I got home, Claire proudly announced that she had just finished the story.
Via @Londiniensis: "Relativism is the solution of a man who is incapable of putting things in order." ~ Don Colcacho
Once again impressed by Amazon. I ordered this DVD about St. Gianna Molla on Friday and it arrived today.
Is it really only two months until Christmas?! I haven't even raked the autumn leaves!
Well tomorrow's another day for me to figure out the best way to make mipmaps from YUV images. Good night all!