November 16, 2010

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:59 PM

Good morning! I took my 6am call with India. The girls got up early and took the bus to school. I head into Boxborough, listening to a couple of podcasts along the way. Mentally I was too tired for anything really heavy, especially St. Teresa of Avila. My morning coffee doesn't seem to be working so I'm trying a bottle of orange juice. 9:14am

"If only the right sort of people were charged with implementing Marx's ideas, the theory would prove itself remarkably successful, just as it was for the Apostles." But why it historically hasn't and can't when it is state-centered. 9:25am

Canada's healthcare system is 'non-sustainable' - excerpt: "I've been saying this for years, because the majority of Canadians are simply unaware of how non-sustainable our system is," he notes. "And they're all supportive of the current system, which boggles my mind." 9:31am

Read about ArchBishop Dolan's election at the Chicago TribuneNew York's Archbishop Dolan has just become the new President of the USCCB! And there's some blah-blah-blah about The Beatles on iTunes??? ;-P 9:56am

Your Local Airport Can OPT-OUT of the TSA. Boot them out!! The 2001 law creating the TSA gave airports the right to opt out of the TSA program in favor of private screeners after a two-year period. Rep. John Mica, the Republican who will soon be chairman of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, is reminding airports that they have a choice. 1:23pm

From @KatMcKinley: "How funny is this? Rangel is guilty of "harming the credibility of Congress." BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" 1:51pm

Hey fellow New England'ers: You can text and navigate your smart phone with your gloves on with these. 1:56pm

Fake book cover: "My First Cavity Search: Helping Your Child Understand Why He May Be a Threat to National Security." 2:41pm

Smooth drive back home. Listened to my audiobook for the first half. Then switched over to a talk by Matthew Kelly of Dynamic Catholic. 6:20pm

Invention: Amazing Brick Machine Rolls Out Roads Like Carpet - Cool! Especially compared to the usual back breaking routine. 6:38pm
