December 10, 2010

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:59 PM

Good morning! I dropped the girls off and had a smooth drive into work. I caught up on news with my dad during the second half of the trip. It's a brisk morning here. The NH leg of the commute was in the 2-5°F range and the car coolant had a hard time breaking above 170°F when it normally runs around 190°F. It made me appreciate those heated seats all the more! 9:09am

Went with some co-workers and guests from the Pac Rim for a Mexican lunch at Daniela's in Acton, MA. Now in a conference call with San Diego and then back to debuggin'... 1:35pm

Smiling at the Google Books "Whale Fail" page: (related link) Nice play on the Twitter meme. 3:49pm

Late departure from work, but a smooth drive home. Ready to enjoy a weekend with the family. 7:32pm
