Good morning! Yesterday Michelle and I watched a bit of Everyone Loves Raymond. 'Back in the day' Michelle and I watched every episode. One of my all time favorite episodes was when Robert and Amy finally got married and had their wedding dance. Amy always played a mousy woman with a quiet, reserved Christian upbringing by some uptight parents so to see the wedding dance was hilarious.
Back from Mass and breakfast with the family. I'm going to look over next week's readings as prep for RCIA this Wednesday...
Michelle and the kids went to visit the Kucmas'. Since Mr. Kucmas was away on travel I stayed home. I got a little rest and then watched The Case for Faith via Netflix streaming. It's very good. It tackles two of the primary objections given against Christianity: Why is Jesus the only path to God? And if God is so loving, then why is there so much suffering? (aka The Problem of Evil in the World) Highly recommended to those who might be 'wobbly' on those issues.
It's been a bit of a geeky evening again. In between watching Disney shows with the kidlets [Sonny, Hannah, etc.], I've been reviewing the Emacs 23 manual. The last time I went through it was somewhere about 16-18 years ago in my USAF grad school days. There's been many "oh, I didn't know you could do that now -- that's cool!" moments. When you spend as many hours in an editor as I do, there are dividends in learning to use it well.
Quiet weekend coming to a close. Good night all!