April 12, 2011

Another Busy Day

Posted by Scott at 11:59 PM

Let's avoid the Hop. We briefly considered watching it last weekend. Glad we decided against it. 9:03am

Good morning! I got the girls dropped off at their schools. I listened to a few brief podcasts as I drove in and then caught up with my dad the rest of the way. I continue to be encouraged by mom's recovery. Michelle will be dropping the boys off and then teaching her 20/20/20 class in Milford. Time to review 93 overnight emails and get to debuggin'. 9:07am

Via FatherChristian: It is not proper to refer to the Pope and the College of Cardinals as "Benny & the Jets". #CatholicRulesForTwitter 9:12am

Madonna 'ditches Kabbalah for Opus Dei'. Wait... April Fools was days ago, right?? 9:21am

Was feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed, but suddenly feeling very old... (related link) 9:38am

Smokers and the obese cheaper to care for, study shows - The New York Times. 9:57am

Via iowahawkblog: In the 8 days it took to negotiate the $38.5 B "budget cut", US debt went up $54.5 B. 3:17pm

So if I understand Bill Maher correctly in this video, he's saying that because children cost a lot of money and come sometimes be disagreeable, abortion is a compassionate response for women. With Bill Maher kind of reasoning, husbands should be able to kill their wives, right? 3:23pm

ShairPort emulates AirPort Express to receive AirPlay streams. Waiting for dispatch of Apple lawyers in 3, 2, 1... The author of this software reverse engineered the private encryption key of the Apple AirPort Express so that Macs, iPads, etc. could stream media to non-Apple devices. 4:03pm

Developed two more suites of test vectors today. Worked a bit late and left around 6:15. Smooth drive home listening to a couple of podcasts. After a quick dinner I now need to get back to RCIA prep... 7:41pm

Prepared my notes for tomorrow's RCIA. Helped Claire with her geometry homework. Got the boys tucked in bed with their prayers. Michelle and the girls are downstairs watching yet another old episode of Dr. Quinn. 9:23pm

The kittehs finally did it. For some strange reason they've had this fascination with chewing on my MacBook's power cord. Sadly they always gnaw on the thinner low voltage DC side. Anyway that power supply is dead. Luckily I had a second one but now it's time to order a replacement. They run ~$50. Gulp! Thanks again kittehs. 9:50pm
