Timothy and I loved this parody: Every bunny was kung fu fighting, especially since he enjoys dancing to it on Wii's Just Dance 2.
Good morning! Claire is off to a track meet in Pembroke NH. There's some monster fitness session planned at Golds this morning so I'll be going to the Merrimack YMCA instead.
Qualcomm Leaks Details of Next Generation Snapdragon Processors
Back from a Step and Abs class at the Merrimack YMCA. I hadn't been there in a couple of months since it's further than the Milford Golds. Had a bit of a coughing fit on the drive home. Luckily Michelle picked me up some distilled water while I was out. I did my first of many saline sinus rinses of the spring season. So gross. It's like self induced water boarding.
Took the family out for lunch at the Cafe on the Oval.
After lunch Timothy and I ran a few errands: ATM, gas for the van, and a tiny battery for my watch. Yes, I still use a cheap plastic watch in this day of cell phones and clocks everywhere you look. Afterwards the boys and I went to Confession at St. Patricks. Now time for laundry...
The boys and I watched an old Kim Possible while I folded laundry. Then Michelle and I went through some old stuff in our closet.
Michelle made burgers and hot dogs on the grill... after she got a mouse and its nest out of the grill. The joys of spring.
Pollen count today: 10.9 with 10.3. I've got symptoms (drips and coughs) and even Michelle is sneezing.