August 03, 2011

Historic Building Burns

Posted by Scott at 11:59 PM

Good morning! It should be a relatively quiet day for Michelle. No classes to teach. Michael has his reading class. Claire has to work. Timothy is having a friend over. And the cleaning ladies are at the house this morning. 8:58am

I had a pretty smooth drive in. Offered up the Glorious Mysteries and then listened to yesterday's readings commemorating the Solemnity of Our Lady of the Angels of Portiuncula. 9:01am

The excitement on my drive in was passing the aftermath of this historic fire which occurred overnight at the Stagecoach Inn in Groton, MA. It was over 330 years old and on the registry of historic sites. There were lots of news trucks and water still flowing on the streets from the firefighting work. My prediction: New England will soon get another Dunkin' Donuts. 9:27am

This is why I'm so glad my VW TDI has heated seats in winter. It gives me comfort while I await some movement of my engine temperature gauge... "C'mon! Break out of 'C' already!" ;-] Some winter days I'm tempted to install an engine block heater like I used to have when I first moved to NH. Knowing my absent-mindedness, any future engine block heater I install should have a magsafe plug in for those times I pull out of the garage and forget to unplug. 9:45am

Via linorulli: I'm never going to be a Knight of Columbus, because I'm anti-fuzzy hats. But I do admit to occasional sword envy. 9:46am

Still waiting to have that 'ah-hah' moment with Spotify. If not soon, subscription will be cancelled. Maybe I'm just not that into music like I was in my high school and college days. 11:11am

Ouch! Two late night television political zingers: Conan O'Brien: "Have you heard about McDonald's' new Obama Value Meal? Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it." Jimmy Fallon: "Question: If Pelosi & Obama were on a boat in the middle of ocean & it started to sink, who would be saved? Answer: America." 11:14am

It never fails. If I leave work with a few minute to spare, traffic flows fine. If I leave work a couple minutes after I'd like, then I hit traffic and it makes me only that much later. At least I got to enjoy Buzz Out Loud #1522 along the way. I went straight to Golds for tonight's Step and Abs class. As I was leaving Golds, Claire had arrived to do a few miles on the treadmill. She had just come from an interview at Subway and her piano lesson. She's had a busy day! 7:20pm

Got the boys tucked in bed with their prayers. Going to head to bed and watch Hak5 episode 924. Good night all! 9:00pm
