Good morning! Happy Labor Day! Most of us slept in today. Michelle asked about heading to the YMCA but the kids just wanted to relax at home this morning.
Taking the family out for lunch at Grand Buffet in Nashua.
Dropped the girls off at the Mall. Michelle, the boys, and I are at Barnes & Noble. While we did buy some books, I admit I also used my skimming of their shelves and ordered a new audio book from Audible: Thomas More's satire “Utopia”.
After buying a few books for the boys, Michelle, the boys, and I head over to the Pheasant Lane Mall to do a little more shopping and sync up with the girls. Now back home and trying to fill out forms for a Baptism.
Now that we're back home and the girls are (finally) getting serious about their homework, I'm going to see about creating a new photo album...
Wrapping up a marathon session cleaning out the camera from a couple months of summer vacation time pictures. In the end 90 pics remain, but phew! wiped out my laptop. Between Photoshop Elements and Spotify, it was still entertaining. Album to be ready soon...
Phew! Marathon photo session is done. You can see the results here. Be forewarned it's 90 pictures, but they load quickly and I threw away plenty. Hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed reliving the memories of the past few months. Time to wrap up for the night. It's back to codin' and debuggin' tomorrow morning. Those advanced mobile GPUs don't test themselves...