Yaawn! Good morning! After a weekend of beautiful weather, it's time to reset mentally and get ready for work. The kids have off today for Columbus day. Meanwhile back at the office, I'm excited that two co-workers from the San Diego office arrive this morning to stay with us in Boxborough for a while.
Without having to worry about dropping the girls off, I just drove straight to the office. New England autumn colors are really approaching their peak. Sunny and cool temperatures too. I listened to John and Adam for amusement on the drive in.
Had a meeting I wasn't expecting so I missed the chance to catch a class at Golds Gym. Had a smooth commute home, trying a few podcasts before settling on This Week in Google #115.
I just got tired of hearing commentary on the iPhone announcement and subsequent death of Steve Jobs.
Vindicated: Ridiculed Israeli scientist wins Nobel for discovering strange chemical structure. What's that you say? A scientist who bucked "consensus" later was proven right and gets a Nobel prize? But I thought all we needed for science was consensus...
Got the boys tucked in bed with their prayers. I caught up on some reading while the girls watched yet another episode of Dancing with the Stars. Good night all!