Good morning! I'd thought today was the 1st day of winter (like last year) but this year it officially starts tomorrow.
Norman Krim, Who Championed the Transistor, Dies at 98 on Dec. 14 in a retirement home in Newton, Massachusetts.
So today is the last day of autumn. Poor Michelle has almost no voice. Luckily she's not teaching a fitness class today. I dropped the girls off at their schools and head down to Boxborough, listening to a podcast along the way. Like I seem to do a couple of times a year, I missed my exit as my mind was focused on something else. Gasp! The wasted CO2!
As far as I know, today Michelle's younger sister Maria starts driving north with her family to spend Christmas with us. Having done 1000+ mile trips with our kids, my prayers are with her and her husband. Lord grant them patience and smooth, open roads! ;-]
Can Catholics Celebrate the Winter Solstice?
“Once the same-sex marriage bill passed, the out-of-state activists immediately cut all ties with — and funding to — gay-activist groups within New Hampshire.” (Read more about how our law was primary pushed and funded with out-of-state activists)
Picked up another piece of Emacs nerdvana: M-x which-func-mode puts the current function your cursor is within in your mode-line.
“This might be the most government-supported car since the [East German] Trabant.” Chevy Volt Costing Taxpayers Up to $250K/Vehicle
Left work a bit on the early side. Played a lot of telephone tag with my dad along the commute. Went straight to Golds Gym for tonight's Step and Abs class.
Claire actually finished up work on time. That is, I was able to pick her up at closing! No need to stay up late. Michelle got the boys tucked in bed with their prayers while I drove out to pick Claire up. I'm about to watch a quick video podcast and get some sleep. Good night all!
“Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit,
cried out in a loud voice and said,
‘Most blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb.’ ” — Luke 1