Good morning! Aside from the delicious egg and toast breakfast Michelle made this morning, it was pretty typical. I dropped the girls off at their school. I head down to Boxborough listening to a podcast along the commute.
This morning Michelle will be helping out her friend Tammy by watching her kids for several hours so that Tammy can visit her mom in the hospital. Her mom recently had a stroke.
I didn't know RadioShack sold Arduinos. Potential next project with the boys? But is it only online orders, or can you can them in brick and mortar stores? I just checked, yes, but not many. My nearest one is in Lowell, MA.
Why My Big Family Is Not Overpopulating the Earth, by Jennifer Fulwiler.
First, They Came for the Catholics, by Michelle Malkin
An Open Letter to President Barack Obama Concerning Recent Tyranny.
The NYTimes finally finds a government regulation it opposes: Required Delay Between Sonogram and Abortion Creates Logistical Issues in Texas. Funny how they don't seem to care in other instances when government regulation interferes with the day to day operations of businesses.
Via @FunkyDung: “With the tabloid news that Snooki may be pregnant, millions of Americans have been saved from possibly contemplating issues that matter.”
Via @MatthewWarner: “If you've ever wondered in this digital age, who are the poorest among us? It's IE6 users.”
Seen on the InterNets: “The most immoral thing about big government paternalism is that it makes you worse than a slave. Slaves want freedom.”
Got early enough notice from work that tonight's call would be cancelled. This freed me to head out in time for tonight's new Cardio Muscle class at Golds Gym. I listened to my favorite tech podcast, Security Now #337 along the commute home. Michelle has stepped out to take the girls to Youth Group. I'm eager to reheat some dinner and relax a bit.
Wow! Not only has the Komen foundation stopped funding Planned Parenthood (which helps fight breast cancer how? PP doesn't do breast screenings or mammograms...) they also stopped funding embryonic stem cell research. Perhaps they could use that money to fund ethical stem cell research — the kind that has had lots of promising results.
Fell asleep for a while after dinner. Michelle tucked the boys in bed with their prayers. She woke me back up and I went to pick the girls up from Youth Group. Now to get more sleep… Good night all!
“Many who heard him were astonished.
They said, ‘Where did this man get all this?
What kind of wisdom has been given him?
What mighty deeds are wrought by his hands!’ ” — Mark 6