Video: Excerpt: “Let's get one thing clear about the debate. No one has the right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do with her body. ‘Hands off my body’ is the rule we need to operate on when it comes to the health and well-being of every living woman. She gets to choose medical procedures for her own body.”
Good morning! Michelle generously brought me a nice little breakfast in bed. Claire and I just wrapped up the Saturday morning Step and abs class at Golds Gym. Light attendance today. I think it's because this slot alternates weekends with a different class and people are starting to lose track of whether it's a Step class or a Turbo kick class.
Michelle is taking Abby and Daniel to their dance classes. I just finished watching Season 2, episode 4 of Downton Abbey. Soon I'll take Claire to piano lessons.
Picked up Claire and then enjoyed a hot coffee from A&E that Michelle picked up for me. Picked up Abby from dance class. Helping Claire with her trig before she heads to work tonight. I was really rusty on the Law of Sines and Law of Cosines. And strangely there's no textbook for her trig class.
Dropped Claire off at Subway. She accepted a last minute sub request. I was a bit reluctant as she has to serve 7am Mass tomorrow and work the 9 to 3 shift again. Then I took the rest for dinner at Chapangas.
Took a nap after dinner. Michelle put the boys down to bed with their prayers. I picked up Claire from Subway without any "headlight issues" with the local police. Good night all!
“He ordered the crowd to sit down on the ground.
Then, taking the seven loaves he gave thanks, broke them,
and gave them to his disciples to distribute.” — Mark 8