Today's the kind of day I'm glad we upgraded to a giant 16 SEER A/C unit a couple of years ago. We don't need the A/C as often as Arizona or Florida, but at least when we do, it's an efficient model.
Good morning! I'm working from home today. I'm hoping to catch the 9:15 Step class. Michelle and Maria plan on taking the kids to the Milford pool later today. Like yesterday it's expected to be ~95°F today.
Went with Michelle to Golds Gym to take today's advanced Step 'n Abs class. Man! It's steamy outside. You finish exercise, shower up, and by the time you get back home, you're all sticky again, just from walking to your car and driving home.
While Maria had taken Claire downtown for a bagel and a trip to the library, I later took Michelle and the rest of the kids to the new Cafe on the Oval. For Abby and Daniel it was their first time at the new location.
Abby is on her way to Groton for the dress rehearsal of tomorrow and Saturday's dance recital.
So tempting, but $25 for a mug? Ouch! I don't think so. It's heat sensitive so as you pour your coffee, the face changes from sleepy to awake. See a video of it here.
Michelle picked up Abby around 5 o'clock. She and Maria then took the kids to the Milford pool after dinner. I wanted to go along, but I didn't finish up work until 8 o'clock. I had lots of difficulties with the tools today.
Got the boys tucked in bed with their prayers. Maria and the girls are on an 'Everybody Loves Raymond' marathon. Good night all!
“If you forgive others their transgressions,
your heavenly Father will forgive you.
But if you do not forgive others,
neither will your Father forgive your transgressions.” — Matthew 6