Good morning! Michelle is taking Claire and the boys with her to the Y. Claire plans on taking Michelle's Step class this morning. I had a nice commute in. It's sunny, dry, and in the low 70's. I caught up on news with my dad on the drive down and did more planning for our visit to Michigan.
Here in NH: “Live Free or Die”. In neighboring Maine: “Live Long and Lobster” ;-]
Putting my OpenGL programming experience on hold and refreshing my brain on DirectX today. Why must their be two graphics standards that are so different in syntax and style??
After their time at the gym, Michelle brought the kids to Chipotle for lunch. Meanwhile I went over to the cafeteria for a salad.
Thanks to this set of patches I was able to install Newsbeuter in two simple steps on my Mac laptop. I remember wanting to try it a couple of years ago but having difficulties building it on the Mac. My geeky fascination of old school, terminal based apps continues. I don't know where it comes from. Perhaps just remembering the days before Windows and the 1984 Macintosh.
After Michelle had dropped Claire off at work, the boys asked about going to the pool. Michelle took them for a late afternoon swim around 4 o'clock.
Left work a bit early. Listened to the new CD from Lighthouse Media on the drive north. Went straight to Golds for tonight's Dynamic Definition class and the Step class afterwards. Claire is working tonight and I have an 8 o'clock conference later with San Diego and China.
Speaking of LightHouse CDs, Michelle and I both highly recommend last month's CD. I've been getting their CDs for years, but this one is my favorite. It was one of the few times I strongly recommended one to Michelle and she was glad I did. Perhaps it's because of all that we're dealing with, but it really helped put the crosses of life in perspective for both of us.
Wrapped up my last conference call. Michelle got the boys tucked in bed. Luckily we don't have worry about Claire because she's having a sleepover after work tonight and going directly there.
Well today was nice enough that we never needed to run the A/C. It looks like tomorrow might be the same. For early July I'll take that as A Good Thing™. Good night all!
“While Jesus was speaking, an official came forward,
knelt down before him, and said,
‘My daughter has just died.
But come, lay your hand on her, and she will live.’ ” — Matthew 9