January 25, 2002


Posted by Scott at 01:52 PM

I was doing a search in Google to find out which movie used the expression "So it shall be written, so it shall be done". I confirmed that it was The Ten Commandments. I came across this interesting article along the way of the search. It had the following interesting tidbit:

In 1973, the 1953 graduating class from Yale met at a reunion. Researchers asked how many of the former students had achieved written life goals. Five per cent said they had.
The researchers then had each person complete a financial asset work sheet. The five per cent of the class that had written goals controlled ninety-six per cent of the group’s net worth. Seventy per cent of the class had never set goals. Twenty-five per cent had New Years resolution-type goals or goals they could articulate but were not written down. Only five per cent had written goals.
It reminded me of a similar piece of advice that Paul Swope had given me: "Write it down". Basically he was saying it's difficult to make progress in life (physical and spiritual) if you don't write down where you want to be and track progress toward those goals on a daily basis. The forementioned article really made that point hit home. Certainly FranklinCovey makes a mint on selling that philosophy. Ben Franklin wrote:
"I always carried my little book with me . . . and it may be well my posterity should be informed that to this little artifice, with the blessing of God, their ancestor owes the constant felicity of his life down to his seventy-ninth year, in which this is written."
