December 15, 2009

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 08:38 PM

Good morning! Today I would normally head down to Concord. Instead Michelle and I will be heading to a post op followup visit with Michelle's surgeon. Hard to believe it's been 2 1/2 months since this: (related link) I'm assuming it's just a routine check to see how things have healed. 6:05am

Back from our visit to Michelle's surgeon. Scheduled the next few non-chemo related appointments. On the way home stopped at FourBucks for coffees and Simmering Kettle for some lunch soups to go. VPN'd into work for the rest of the day... 11:45am

Despite yesterday's good workout, I woke up around 3am this morning. It's catchin' up with me now. I'm navigating through a huge code base trying to figure out which end is up, but if I'm not careful, my forehead will have ASDF JKL; imprinted on it. 3:29pm

Looking back at our old house: (related link) and remembering when: a) taxes were lower b) heating/cooler was less $$ c) mowing took less than an hour d) all the stores in Nashua were close by. sigh Yes, I'm wearing rose colored glasses at the moment. It did have its downsides... 3:40pm

Called it a day and went to pick up the kidlets from CCD. Now time to actually eat dinner with the family. 5:39pm

Good night all! 8:38pm
