November 02, 2001

Supposed impatience of the American people

Posted by Scott at 02:04 PM

Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld gave a news briefing yesterday that put a lot of perspective on what the news media claims as the American people's impatience with the progress of the military actions. You need not read the entire Q and A session (just the prepared statement) but it does clearly portray that these things take some time as they historically have.

In other news, I got my software update CDs from Apple in the mail yesterday. Last night I did the update after putting the kids down to bed. I also managed to get the GIMP installed as well. Ahh, back in my usual photo editor; it's like a comfy pair of shoes. Go with what you know. It was getting late and I only edited one picture, just as a quick-and-dirty proof of operation and stability. I still say it's weird to run UNIX tools on a Mac. It seems like such a nonsequitor at first.

Today Michelle is going to take the kids over to visit with Gina Ferlan after she picks up Claire from school. She hasn't seen her much since the boys Baptism last spring. The weather outside today is beautiful. She couldn't have picked a better autumn day for a drive to Gina's house.
