January 02, 2003

Computers... Argh!

Posted by Scott at 10:08 AM

The one thing you can count on with computers is that when they work right, they can save you time. When they don't, you can pull your hair out trying to figure out why. In the process of migrating the old livejournal entries to the current BilikFamily.com, I can see that the entries are in the database, but some of the links are really broken and I don't know why. For instance, click on the February 2002 link in the Archives list on the right sidebar. Nothing. The tool knew to put a link in and it pointed it to the correct file, but there's nothing there. The tool never rendered the file. Why? Who the heck knows... [Update: Monthly web archives fixed, still some individual ones missing...]

At the same time I was trying to move albums off of the servers at my ISP, MV. It's my hope to cancel my account with them sometime soon. I was trying to copy the content online to my Apple .Mac account. Somewhere in the process a few bits on the pictures got corrupted. Compare this picture to this picture; or this picture to this picture. I did a binary byte by byte compare of the JPEGs and they had a few bits corrupted in a manner that I've never seen before. What the heck caused that?

I hope to get to the bottom of this soon enough. Heck, if I'm lucky, by the time you read this those issues will be resolved. I may change my mind and have my macintosh host the pictures directly (like the BilikFamily.com webpage) and let the Apple .Mac account be strictly a backup server.

Before I go, I want to leave with a bit of humor. My friend, Christian, sent me this photo of some topless dancers at a bar. Whoo-hoo!
