February 22, 2003

Timothy's exam

Posted by Scott at 09:06 PM

When I was at work yesterday, Michelle took Timothy to an exam where they would check the hearing of the ear that is folded over. As you might imagine, it's a rather difficult procedure to test the hearing of a 2 week old baby. It takes about 40 minutes to administer the test. To make matters worse, as the test was just finishing up, the technician accidentally pressed a button that erased the data. The whole test had to be administered again. In the end the results are good. It looks like Timothy's inner ear is fully operational. In a few more weeks there will be an MRI to scan the internals. If all is normal, there will be some cosmetic surgery to open up the outer ear lobes and give it a normal contour.

We've had two days that hit over 50°F. Today was hovering around the freezing level. I went out to try and clear out any ice from the driveway. Late in the afternoon it started to snow with about half an inch of accumulation. I thought it had stopped, but later when I went out to pick up some carry out Chinese food, I realized that it had transitioned to rain. I went back out and hurried to clear the driveway again. The snow was saturated and sloppy but I was worried that it would freeze overnight. Ahh, the fun of temps that hover around freezing.

Claire is a bit sick with a little cold. She has started her week long winter school break. Hopefully she'll be better by the time dad arrives on Monday. After all, they are both counting on each other for regular ice cream runs to Blakes and Bruesters.

Hey Suzy, I hope you're enjoying your visit with the Tarpeys. Take additional comfort in the fact that after dad is here for a short spell, he'll be bringing mom back home. In the mean time you can call here at any time and she can call you right back so that it doesn't cost you much. We've really appreciated having her assistance these past few weeks. We also wanted to say that we hope your Pitariasis Rosea clears up soon. It reminds me of how I got a case of shingles just as I was leaving the Air Force, many years after I had Chicken Pox.

Slashdot, the website that normally discusses nerdy technology news, had an interesting question entitled "Advice You Would Give to Your 12 Year-Old Self?". While the responses were varied and often trite (sometimes disgusting), it's an interesting topic. What advice would you give yourself if you could go back in time and advise your 12 year old self?

Other recommended reading: Giving God Twenty: How to Start a Real Prayer Life.

"We all know that a Catholic adult who does not have a daily contemplative prayer life is a contradiction in terms. If there is one constant in the advice of the saints, it is that every Catholic should have a serious prayer life. My goal here is not to berate you if you do not have a prayer life. I have fallen short myself until recently, so I am the last one who can possibly criticize you. So my purpose is to encourage you and to help you avoid the common mistakes which prevent most folks from establishing the habit of daily prayer."


Thank you, Scott!!!!

Posted by: Suzy at February 23, 2003 06:53 PM

Scott- I just went to that website and read about 'what you would say to your 12 year old self'...I couldn't help but notice how many people said to never look at that goats.cx link. Curiosity killed that cat. Nuff said. Oh and I would tell my 12 year old self....'you know those weird feelings and thoughts your having? they're not normal!'

Posted by: Suzy at February 23, 2003 09:36 PM

I've never been to that link but have heard enough bad things about it that I never want to go there. The male eyeball gets abused enough on the internet (and the grocery store checkout magazine aisle) that I don't need incentive to actively go find that stuff.

What would I tell my 12 year old self? Well, I already thought mom and dad were pretty smart when I was 12. I guess I would tell myself to trust them more. That and relax more in school and don't let the cliques that form bother you. Some folks thrive on exclusion and denegrating others. It went away a lot in college and even more so in the workforce. Lastly I'd tell myself to never gloat in the least bit about your intelligence. Folks don't like gloating jocks but they don't like gloating brains either. Both types are prone to negative stereotypes.

Posted by: Scott at February 24, 2003 11:51 AM

I think I would tell my 12 year old self to not let other people influence my decisions so much, and to have more fun in high school. TJ's 12- I try to pass this knowledge to him. Tom said he would tell himself that chicks really do like you, so go for it. ( he never thought anyone liked him, and I always had a crush on him!)

Posted by: alyssa at February 24, 2003 12:57 PM