Dropped Claire off and had a smooth commute in. Stopped by Marlborough Golds to get a new Alliance Card for when I go to my local one.
I can't get over how many work emails I have since I left work last night.
Had a bagel & coffee. Finished a conf call and ripped through the morning email. Can I do some "real" development/debug now?
After delivering a custom test to a customer, I had a light lunch at D'Angelos with two co-workers. Now onto another customer request...
Just realized I totally spaced on today's graphics lunch 'n learn seminar, "Evolution of GPU programming". Forgot to put it in my calendar.
Spent the past few hours analyzing what are known as "dangling nets". Trust me, it's far from a racy thing. It's boring as heck.
Just back from RCIA. Another of the many weeks of "mystagogia" (post Easter sacraments RCIA stuff).
Did a minor tweak to one of the website scripts before going to bed. I can't believe how long I spent debugging one stinking line of code!