Dropped Claire & her friends off at school. Working from home today.
After a long call with San Diego and Bangalore I met my boss at the Milford Red Arrow Diner so that we could brainstorm over lunch. I may be in San Diego next week unless things turn around soon.
I've been helping Abby with Fibonacci numbers for her math homework. I was unaware of how many cool/weird properties Fibonacci numbers had. (related link)
Intrigued by the Pocket Retro Game Emulator (related link) . Small and retro. Talk about pushing my buttons.
Governor Lynch has signed the bills, making NH the 6th state to allow same-sex marriage.
Stayed up and watched another episode of The Dresden Files with Claire. Interesting to compare this SciFi television series against the book upon which they're based. (related link)
Major nerd factor alert. I benchmarked my existing website hosting at fastmail.fm compared to hosting it on the mighty Amazon S3. It's pretty close but fastmail.fm seems to edge out Amazon (and it's a hell of a lot easier to put files there using common protocols). So, no changes planned but it was an interesting experiment. Time for bed. I'm up way too late.