June 03, 2009

Short Updates

Posted by Scott at 11:09 PM

Dropped Claire & her friends off at school. Working from home today. 8:21am

After a long call with San Diego and Bangalore I met my boss at the Milford Red Arrow Diner so that we could brainstorm over lunch. I may be in San Diego next week unless things turn around soon. 2:48pm

I've been helping Abby with Fibonacci numbers for her math homework. I was unaware of how many cool/weird properties Fibonacci numbers had. (related link) 5:14pm

Intrigued by the Pocket Retro Game Emulator (related link) . Small and retro. Talk about pushing my buttons. 5:35pm

Governor Lynch has signed the bills, making NH the 6th state to allow same-sex marriage. 5:37pm

Stayed up and watched another episode of The Dresden Files with Claire. Interesting to compare this SciFi television series against the book upon which they're based. (related link) 9:11pm

Major nerd factor alert. I benchmarked my existing website hosting at fastmail.fm compared to hosting it on the mighty Amazon S3. It's pretty close but fastmail.fm seems to edge out Amazon (and it's a hell of a lot easier to put files there using common protocols). So, no changes planned but it was an interesting experiment. Time for bed. I'm up way too late. 11:03pm
