Good morning! It may be only 6°F at the moment here in lovely Milford, NH, but hey! It's Friday!
Yay! Every year one of my favorite gifts is when the Tarpeys send me (related link) cookies. Many thanks to Alyssa and Tom Tarpey Jr. (and my godson William). This year they sent me two batches, most likely because they know most of it gets eaten by my children and their friends.
Went with Michelle for lunch at the Milford Cafe on the Oval. Man! It's chilly out there.
Set up an account at (related link) for subscribing to podcasts. We'll see how it goes. My thinking is that rather than downloading a bunch of podcasts (via iTunes) every day and having a bunch of them go unlistened, my computer, cell phone, and Chumby can stream them on demand as needed.
Picked up Abby from school. What a nightmare in the afternoon! She didn't want to take the bus home today for fear her ginger bread house wouldn't survive.
Was trying to play with the new CSS3 gradient formats. Then I found that the current release version of Firefox (v3.5) does not support them. Only when version 3.6 is released will they be there. I'd figured since Safari supported 'em, Firefox must. Wrong! Reverting back to using gradient GIF images instead. sigh.
Downloaded a few more Christmas song MIDIs for the boys to play on our Yamaha Clavinova...
President Obama is leaving the Copenhagen global warming conference a little early due to weather complications. He'll then arrive back in DC just as they get 12-16 inches of snow. There is some poetic justice in the world.
Our girls just returned from an evening of Christmas shopping with Tamara Stearns Kucmas . Thanks for taking them out Tammy. It sounds like they had a great time. Brianna must be exhausted by now!
Been playing a bit with Google Chrome now that they have a Mac release. Looks pretty stable so far. Gettin' sleepy though... G'Night all.
Bookmarks I made today:
Moleskine Notebooks, Journals, and Date Books
Comment: I've used these notebooks for several years as day planners and like them. Unfortunately they email me a ton, esp. at this time of year, with new marketing pitches. Please folks, I bought one already. I'm only buying one per year. Shut up until next year, 'K?
Excerpt: For two centuries now Moleskine (mol-a-skeen'-a) journals have been the legendary notebook of artists, writers, intellectuals and travelers. More popular than ever, Moleskine notebooks possess stylish minimalism and unmatched quality. This century new legends are being created with the help of this ...
Pepsi ends Super Bowl advertising streak
Comment: Wow! A Super Bowl WITHOUT Pepsi ads?! Really?! One of my all time favorite Super Bowls ads was this one for Pepsi Max. If Anheuser-Busch later pulls out, who'll be left to fund the game? (GoDaddy? *shudder*)
Excerpt: Pepsi will not advertise its drinks in next year’s Super Bowl on CBS, ending a 23-year run so the company can focus on a new marketing effort that will appear mostly online.
ThinkGeek :: Control-A-Kid Remote
Comment: I'll take a pair please. One for me and one for my wife. I had no idea wireless technology had come so far. Amazed that Qualcomm hadn't patented this one too! ;-P [Hat tip: Kathy Schiffer ]
Excerpt: Control-A-Kid Remote - Virtual parenting at the touch of a button.
LIEBERMAN: Climate conferees should do nothing - Washington Times
Comment: I love the money quote at the end: "stop the U.S. government from embracing an expensive, ineffective solution to an overstated problem." Expensive, ineffective, overstated...
Excerpt: At the ongoing U.N. conference on climate change in Copenhagen, proponents of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol -- for which initial commitments expire in 2012 -- are trying to hash out a new international agreement for lowering carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions. ...