Good morning! After I drop off the girls, I'm headin' down to the Boxborough office. Wow! I just went to the Google search front page and typed "How do I" and the top suggestion was "How do I delete my Facebook account".
Smooth commute in after dropping the girls off. Offered a Rosary for the health of my wife & mom. Listened to "Anna Karenina" the rest of the way. In this part Tolstoy did an amazing job of describing the mental anguish of Anna just before her suicide.
So I was in a meeting with our mobile graphics architect today. I asked him if he was still hanging with his Motorola RAZR. He said sure. It fits in his shirt pocket. "I don't even text. I've sent like 2 texts ever." Different folks have different needs. While he's a wizard at pixels/second, triangles/sec, etc. he just wants a lightweight, portable cell phone for his personal use.
Smooth commute home amidst grey skies and sprinkles of rain. Getting near the end of my novel. Meanwhile more "exciting" reading (smirk) arrived in today's mail. (related link)
Downloading "Chuck", season 3, episode 10 "Chuck Vs. the Tic Tac" for my girls tonight. (related link)
While my girls enjoy their show, I'm going to study for a bit and get some sleep. Good night all!
Bookmarks I made today:
Facebook users hit by attack
Comment: Thousands have been hit by the attack, which posts a fake video to profiles claiming to be the "sexiest video ever". If you get it, leave it alone.
Excerpt: Data protection firm Sophos is warning Facebook users to be wary following a video attack on users designed to infect computers with adware. Thousands have been hit by the attack, which posts a fake video to profiles claiming to be the "sexiest video ever".
Leading Global Warming Skeptic Lindzen: Time to Abandon the 'Skeptic' Label
Comment: Oh, shnap! [I envision Al Gore saying, "oh no he DIDn't!"]
Excerpt: “One suggestion I’d make is we stop accepting the term ‘skeptic,’” Lindzen said. “As far as I can tell, skepticism involves doubts about a *plausible* proposition. I think current global warming alarm does not represent a plausible proposition.”
Air Force may suffer collateral damage from PS3 firmware update
Comment: With my CPU, graphics, Linux, and USAF heritage, this story really spoke to me. The USAF labs found a cost effective way to do super computing via an array of Sony PlayStation3's that would run Linux. A couple of month after it was setup, Sony dropped Linux support. I can only imagine how many lab staff went berserk on the news.
Excerpt: The Air Force bought 1,700 160GB PlayStation 3 units in January, all meant to run Linux in a 500 TeraFLOPS cluster. But with the Linux option now removed, the Air Force has no upgrade or repair path.
Sex Lives of Supreme Court Justices
Comment: So... Having 9 kids is more out of the mainstream than being a lesbian? Michael Kingsley takes the Elena Kagan/Supreme Court debate in an entirely odd direction.
Excerpt: "Now that the sex lives of Supreme Court justices have become grist for commentators: Why does Justice Antonin Scalia, by common consent the leading intellectual force on the Court, have nine children?"
Video: Fearless Cat Stares Down Fox
Comment: We breed some pretty fierce kittehs up here in New Hampshire! ;-] [via WMUR-TV]
Excerpt: CONTOOCOOK, N.H. -- uLocal viewer "SabrinaFrankie" uploaded these pictures of a cat chasing and staring down a fox in Contoocook.