Good morning! I dropped Abby off at school and head into Boxborough. Forgot to mention that yesterday I discovered my rental car can not play MP3 CDs. So today I borrowed the AUX input cable from our van and used it to route my "Brothers Karamazov" audio book from my phone through the car's stereo. It'll do until I get my car back from the shop.
Michelle has a busy day today. She's teaching her 20/20/20 class this morning. Then heading over to St. Patricks for some CCD setup. Later she heads to the hospital for a MUGA scan of her heart. Then tonight she and Claire teach a CCD class.
Called to check on my car. Slow progress. It's on the frame straightener. I miss my Ruby. No, she didn't tear up the pavement like a pocket rocket, but I like the five speed and the handling and the comfort.
Smooth but rainy commute home, listening to "The Brothers Karamazov". It was a pretty vanilla day at work. Lunch at the cafeteria salad bar and wrote a few more tests. Michelle is at Timothy's school open house.
Got the boys down to bed and setup last night's "Chuck" for the rest of us. Isaiah Mustafa, aka The Old Spice Guy, as a spy. Cool! See photo at right of Isaiah as part of the Buy More Nerd Herd.
Via @CurtJester: Pretty ironic CNN hitting the Pope on "what he knew" when their head admitted to covering up atrocities in Iraq so they could stay there.
Since my dad's MI computer is on dialup, I'm preparing a CD with installs too painful for download. Firefox, Chrome, iTunes, Windows Service Packs... Snail mail is sometimes still more convenient.
Downloading Windows *.exe files on my MacBook. Somehow I feel a bit unclean.