March 09, 2011

The Week's Half Over?!

Posted by Scott at 09:47 PM

Video: Nerdiest use of an HTC EVO 6:15am

Via @arstechnica: AMD launches a dual-GPU, 350W monster card: (related link) // Holy cow!! Need a space heater in your office? ;-] 11:31am

Misleading story headline of the day: 'Birther' debate alive and well in New Hampshire. NH is looking to make a valid birth certificate a requirement for filing in their candidacy in our First in the Nation Primary. Lest you think it's targeted at President Obama, if passed the law would go into effect after our next Primary is behind us. It seems to be less of a "let's get Obama" and more of a "let's stop this before silly debates like this happen again in the future". 12:36am

Plug-in free 3D graphics for HTML5 Web browsers - Excerpt: "The Khronos Group has released the final WebGL 1.0 specification to enable hardware-accelerated 3D graphics in HTML5 Web browsers without the need for plug-ins." This is the same WebGL I've been tinkering with this month using Google Chrome on Mac. 2:49pm

Video Killed the Radio Czar -- from the NPR playlist. If you don't get it, don't worry. It just means your not a political news junkie. 5:11pm

While writing more test cases this afternoon, I listened to FLOSS Weekly #153 where they reviewed a gadget I have my eye on: The TonidoPlug. If you're going to keep your data "in the cloud", shouldn't it be a server you own? And for a couple of watts and a network connection, you can. Great concept. 5:17pm

Incompetence:When you earnestly believe you can compensate for a lack of skill by doubling your efforts, there's no end to what you can't do.Left work around 6pm. Called my dad to check on mom's health and then called Michelle to find out what the status of our broken dishwasher was. A new Bosch brand one is on order. I listened to my audio book the rest of the way. I went straight to St. Patricks to lead the exegesis for tonight's RCIA class. And since class was at the same time as tonight's Ash Wednesday Mass next door, we on the RCIA team got our ashes at the end of class. One might joke and say that we missed the collection. ;-] 8:40pm

Got the boys tucked in bed with their evening prayers. Made myself a small bowl of instant oatmeal as a snack and helped Claire with her geometry proofs. I could sympathize with her distaste for geometry. Even as a teenage math geek, I wasn't a fan of geometry. I cheered her up with some sarcastic/snarky posters from There's also some similar crowd sourced pictures at Very Domotivational. I'm showing an example poster at the right... 9:41pm
