Good morning! We're waking up to brief thunderstorms this morning. As hot as it's been (and will be later today), our lawns can certainly use this! It doesn't take much to turn NH lawns brown. We don't have the same quality loam some areas have. Dig a few inches into our ground and you have sand and rocks. 9 years ago when our 50 sprinklers were installed, the "Ditch Witch" trencher blew its cutting blade a few times.
I've heard of no rumors of Volkswagen making a TDI cost reduced of this bad boy! <<smirk>>
Took a Cardio-Box class with Claire at Golds Gym in lieu of a Step class. Have I mentioned I suck at Cardio-Box? She enjoyed it though...
Timothy and I are watching Welcome to Macintosh via Netflix streaming.
Although I'm holding off a few weeks in upgrading to Mac OSX Aslan, I decided to update my aging version of Photoshop Elements (version 6) with the newer version 9. While I enjoy tinkering in the GIMP, Acorn, and Pixelmator, I always seem to find Elements to be the most natural.
Just finished Saturday evening Mass. Now taking the family out for dinner at TGIFriday's.
Showed Timothy how to do a few more things with his laptop. Meanwhile I researched s3cmd, a tool I can use to help me keep the Bilikfamily mirror site in sync. Currently I use a graphical tool called Transmit but it's not fast and easy for what I'm trying to do. Meanwhile the family is watching another episode of Dr. Quinn, drama queen.
Nerd talk: I wanted to make a geek plug for Mac Homebrew. Most of the tools that command line wizards who are used to Unix/Linux, beyond the basics that Apple includes, can be installed on Macs with little effort with this set of tools. I've installed dozens of great open source tools with 'brew'.