Good morning. This morning marks the beginning of Michelle's week off of Xeloda. Yay! We just finished 7am Mass. Claire and Timothy were the altar servers and I was the lector. Now we're having breakfast at DFE. Soon we'll drop off Claire for the opening shift at Subway.
Abby's plane ticket is all confirmed for tomorrow. Michelle and I have emptied the porches and pulled in all of the screens for tomorrow's power washing. Getting the screens brought in was… interesting. Some of the west facing window ledges were graveyards of dry, dead ladybugs. «shudder»
We were surprised to get a call from Claire shortly after noon. Usually she doesn't finish until mid-afternoon. Subway was letting her go early, probably because the hot, humid weather had slowed business. After picking her up, she and I went to check whether Keyes Field's pool was now open. Even though the signs along Elm Street still said "swim meet", the near empty pool was now open for general swim and had been for hours. When asked why the signs were still there, misleading town residents to think the pool was off limits today, the response was "that's DPW's job". I just can't wait for government to keep assuming more responsibility for health care.
Took the family to the pool. We stopped by Wendy's on the way back to get small Frosty's for the kids. We left just in time because as we left Wendy's, it started to rain. As often happens on pool days, my hair looks like that of the Heat Miser because I didn't calm it down after my swim. Now I just need to start talking like "Crush" from "Finding Nemo".
As we move more and more of our lives into the cloud, this detailed account was very sobering. With a good social engineering attack this guy's iPhone was remote wiped, his Macs were remote wiped, he was locked out of GMail, Twitter… He's no tech newbie. And it all happened very fast.
Watched a 2010 documentary about Germany, After The Wall — A World United. I wanted to see it as those events happened shortly after I'd finished studying the German language in college and my first year in the USAF. It was interesting getting a perspective 20+ years later on a major event I have a decent memory of… George H.W. Bush, Mikhail Gorbachev and Helmut Kohl. Major change under their watch.
Got the boys tucked in bed with their prayers. Abby comes home tomorrow. Safe travels Abby! Good night all!
“One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.”
― Milton Friedman
“Jesus said to them,
‘I am the bread of life;
whoever comes to me will never hunger,
and whoever believes in me will never thirst.’ ” — John 6