Just took a quick peek at Chameleon OS for unlocked/rooted Android phones. Looks nice. I'll be trying on my Kindle Fire soon, as it's one of the targeted devices.
Good morning! It's kind of a cloudy one here, but at least its warmer — upper 50's on the commute and should skirt with 70°F today. I offered up a set of Joyful Mysteries for Michelle's continuing good health. I listened to today's In Conversation and then started a new book: The Gargoyle Code. It's like a modern rendition of C.S.Lewis' classic short story, "The Screwtape Letters".
Everyone at our corporate site has been given pedometers because of World Health Day last weekend. We'll all be tracking our walking for the next few days.
Back from another good lunch with my spiritual director. And bonus: it's sunny and 66°F outside. Welcome spring! Especially since the next three days look to be rainy. Alas it beats snowing!
"Guilt is to sin as is the sense of touch to fire. It's a gift and it's a life saver." via Grandpa Ed. Or as St. Thomas Aquinas says somewhat more eloquently, "Guilt is the loss of the integrity of the soul and the soul recognizing that fact".
Got a new feature working just before I wrapped up for the day. Always glad when that happens. So often I end up driving home thinking, "what could it be???" "Why is it failing?" "What am I overlooking?" Heading north to St. Elizabeth Ann Seton for tonight's Opus Dei Evening of Recollection. Roughly 17 years and no signs of albino monk assassins yet! Dan Brown is such a fraud!
Back for the evening. Tonight's talks dwelt on Love in little, ordinary things and our help to the Pope via our own prayers and actions. Also a Rosary, Eucharistic benediction, examination of conscience, and opportunities for Confession. Saw a good friend afterwards who just had his own battle with throat cancer. Words fail me. Listened to a bit more of my novel on the drive home. I'm about half way through it. When I got home Michelle and the boys were already in bed. Abby was doing her homework and Claire was still away at gymnastics.
Assortment of web finds:
“The wind blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes,
but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes;
so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” — John 3