Good morning! Michelle took a Thursday morning Step class at Golds after she dropped Timothy off at school. She says it was a tough one! She also got scheduled for an eye exam tomorrow. I stopped by Cafe on the Oval for a hearty breakfast before driving into work. I finished my novel as I reached the state line and caught up on news with my dad the rest of the way in.
My intention with having a big breakfast was to just work through the day, skipping lunch. It was going to be a busy day. I got to (re)learn about several things today for a task I was to complete today:
So yes, lots of research and debugging. It was a good day, especially because before the end of the day, it all Just Worked. I also worked with a peer to determine that Khronos, the official graphics standards body, had a major bug in one of their conformance suites. It'll be patched soon. That's the price of being one of the early implementers of new agreed upon “Industry Standards”: you get to find the bugs.
Because of this I worked a bit late, despite skipping lunch. When I texted Michelle that I was heading home, she asked that I pick up Abby along the way. Abby was at a friend's house working on homework and music. I listened to some of Right Here, Right Now on the drive north.
After a bite of dinner Michelle, the boys and I re-watched some of "Life of Pi". It was such an intriguing movie the first time when we saw it together as a family at the Wilton Town Hall Theater. Visually it's stunning, but we also thought that perhaps the second viewing might make certain puzzling aspects make more sense. A bit like watching a Doctor Who episode a second time. “Oh… now I see why…”
Tomorrow I'm working from home. Michelle has an appointment with a local eye doctor. Her oncologist wants her eyes tested. I want to be on hand in case the testing involves dilating the pupils. And of course I'll look forward to not spending two hours in the car. And perhaps I can make it to 7:30am Mass.