Good morning! We're back from Mass. It was led by a Monsignor from the Philippine missions. Very moving homily.
Finished our family breakfast at Donut Fresh Express. Looking forward to spending the day with the family at Lake Winnipesaukee today.
Silly NH trivia: Lake Winnipesaukee is the 6th largest lake in the United States that lies completely within the borders of the USA.
After hearing Father Roderick recommend it, I'm going to try "The Fringe". At least the first few or so.
Arrived at the lake. Delayed by a nasty looking accident on I-93.
My view (see below) and location.
I love the gentle sound of lake waves brushing up against the shore.
Michelle, the boys, and I just arrived back home. Our girls are going to stay an extra day in the NH lakes region.
Boys tucked in bed, girls away. A strange hush comes over the house. Good night all!